October 17, 2011

Let's get engaged

With 18 candidates running for Kimberley City Council, it doesn't seem like we're suffering from apathy in these parts. I'm keen to see if the level of interest suggested by the high candidate turnout will be reflected in a high voter turnout as well. I sure hope so. But engagement goes well beyond election time. Several candidates in this race are talking (and no doubt hearing) about a need for more transparency and better communication between City Hall and the community.

Dave Meslin's TED talk 'The antidote to apathy' (below) contains some thought-provoking ideas and perspectives on engagement. For example, as a former Wildsight employee and current President of the Kimberley Arts Council, both registered charities, I was interested in his position on advocacy and charitable status. And I love (love!) the idea that an heroic effort is a collective effort. Well put.

What are your thoughts on engagement and barriers? What catches your interest here? What could we do differently in Kimberley?

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