Well folks, municipal election time is upon us yet again, and what an election it is set to be here in Kimberley. Four candidates for mayor! Ten candidates (so far) for council, with only one incumbent!
I'm so excited I can hardly express it.
I love elections, government elections in particular. I love watching democracy in action. It's not perfect, I know. I think the time is way past due in this country for electoral reform at the federal level (proportional representation, anyone?) and that even at the municipal level the process could be made fairer, e.g. by randomizing the candidates' names on the ballot, as opposed to listing them in alphabetical order. But still I relish the chance to cast a vote and then wait with bated breath to hear the results.
And this time around, no matter what, we are in for major turnover in Kimberley.
This seems to be a year for upheaval. I've felt it in my own life (more than I would like), witnessed it in my friends' lives, seen it all over the news, and now here it comes again. It's a little scary, not knowing what the outcome will be. It's also thrilling.
I'm thrilled to put my name forward as a candidate for city council again. When I look at the list of candidates I see people I respect, admire and would love to work with. When I think about the possibility of coming together as a new team, learning together and (forgive me a bit of sincere cheesiness) dreaming together, I feel energized and optimistic. What a great time to be involved!
I hope that you plan to vote in this municipal election, and I hope that you will consider voting for me. Please have a look through these pages and find out about the values, skills and experience that I will bring to city council. I will update this site regularly throughout the campaign, responding to issues of concern to the community and chronicling the feedback I receive. I invite you to ask questions and share ideas and challenges, either through this site or by contacting me directly. And, of course, please learn about the other candidates, too!
We've got a whole new team to build. Let's make it a winner.
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